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Number of Trees
cared for

Who We Are

Thuru Kepakaru promotes the plating of trees with designated owners. One is able to upload images and the relevant details of the plant including its name, type, height, location planted etc. each time you plant a tree. The longer you take care of the tree, and update the app with the details of the visible progress of the tree the admin panel and supervisors will rate the progress, and the more points you earn. Accumulation of points will result in exclusive online badges and a corresponding raise in the rank of the user within the app. The app will be your guide which helps maintain and keep a constant track of the number of trees planted island wide, and help monitor the growth of each tree. If by any chance the tree decays this too will be recorded. This will further help gather information of trees planted and the location in which it can be found, by simply scanning the QR code given to each tree.

Sign in to increase the plant population in the country and become a true nature hero.

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Island wide Tree Planting Project

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