la ulu
Name : la ulu
Date: 2021-03-29
Sinhala name Mee,…
Name : Mee
Sinhala name Mee, Botanical name Madhuca longifolia, Family name SAPOTACEAE, English name South Indian mahua, Tamil name Iluppai.
This Kumbuk Sapling…
Name : Kumbuk
This Kumbuk Sapling was planted at the Prime Minister Collage in Thalawathugoda
jaam pera
Name : jaam pera
දෙලුම් ගස
Name : delum
Name : kumbuk
This Kumbuk Sapling was planted by the at the Prime Minister Collage Thalawathugoda
The loquat is a…
Name : Loquat
The loquat is a large evergreen shrub or tree, grown commercially for its orange fruit and for its leaves for tea originated from China and imported to Japan during Tang dynasty at early medieval ages, and also cultivated as an ornamental plant.
Kudu Dawla
Name : Kudu Dawla
This Mee Sapling…
This Mee Sapling was planted at the Pennakanugala Kanishta Vidyalaya Kegalle